Wednesday, October 27

14th July, 2010

The most awaited day since ages (LOL :D) “14th July 2010”. Every individual wait for their special day, when they can update their marital status as “married” from “single” :D EEeeeeeee... Who don’t want her wedding to be the most memorable day in her life? I too had planned a lot before my wedding and possibly by hook or crook have done everything which I planned to make my day memorable. My parents too had some aspirations for my marriage. They also did the same what I did. I always thought how the rituals will be done, how will I look in bridal wear, will I manage not crying before I leave my home (which I cldnt :( stop ). Everything happened so quickly that I was unable to think what’s going on....

All rituals were done, I left my house, my family, my belongings, my bedroom and lots of memories.... and stepped to a new house with new relations, new environment ... Everything is new... couldn’t understand how I will carry it in my future. I always thought about 14th July but never thought about 15th July (the next day). In short I would like to say that life on 15th july was beautiful and hope to be the same after 15th July too.... :) I got much from what I expected. A Caring mother, A Joyful father, A Chulbuli-Nathkhat sister, & A Loving husband. What more I should expect??? I got everything which I needed. Just want to continue it forever.

My near and dear said me ‘lyf will change after 14th July’ and its true “lyf has taken a 180 degree rotation”. But frankly speaking it is amazing now. :)


  1. So my school friend's dream has come true.
    I do hope all her dreams come true.

    Missing U so much and will miss u alwayz. Especially ur chatar patar:-)

    And yeah be happy and keep smiling alwayz.

    ur childhood friend

  2. Thanks dear... I too miss our pep talks..... :)

    Well we'll continue if we get tym in future....


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